Poetics of Space

 Artist Statement

The first three photos capture the Kuhnert Arboretum in Aberdeen where the Northern State Cross Country team that I am a part of does many workouts on. These photos capture parts of the 1K loop that we run often. The last two photos portray the gravel road that has been nicknamed South 9 and we do many tempo or mile repeats on. The fourth photo is an example of random things that one might see while running but might have missed if they weren't paying attention. It is incredible the amount of things one looks over when we are focused on one purpose wether that purpose is running, driving, or anything that we do in our daily lives.

These photos capture two places where I run on a regular basis in Aberdeen, SD. Having ran by these places so many times and been desensitized to the beauty, I wanted to bring that beauty back to these places for myself. For me I've seen theses two places many of times but those viewing my work may have never seen them before and the purpose of this is to show that in one's own life we can become desensitized to the world around us. However, we can take the familiar and make it beautiful again and appreciate the spaces that we live in.


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